Cabezas de figuras de acción personalizadas

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cabezas de figuras de acción personalizadas

Custom Action Figure Head Sculpts with Rooted Hair Commission

By using rooted hair, we can create a more vivid and lifelike character, enhancing the overall authenticity and realism of your customized action figures.

custom action figue heads_1

Custom Head Sculptures With Carved Hair Commission

Sculpted hair head sculptures offers a cost-effective and low-maintenance alternative for the customized head sculptures.


Por qué elegirnos

Extremely Easy Processing

El procesamiento de las cabezas de figuras de acción personalizadas es extremadamente fácil, sólo tiene que enviarnos varias imágenes para empezar, después nos lo entrega y nosotros lo convertiremos en realidad.

Captar detalles

Unlike traditional handmade sculptures, we use 3D sculpting technology to capture exact details. Get a realistic headsculpt now.

Excellent Compatibility

Our custom head sculptures are compatible with popular bodies in the market, like Hot Toys, Phicen/TBLeague, and Worldbox.

Excellet Painting

Our custom paint jobs outshine mass-produced head sculptures on the market with their exceptional layers of intricate detail.

Any Scale

Fab Figures can customize mainstream scale miniature head sculptures, including 1/4 scale head sculpture, 1/6 scale head sculpture, 1/8 scale head sculpture, and 1/12 scale head sculpture.

Eco-friendly Materials

Our painting process utilizes environmentally friendly paint that is both colorfast and harmless to the human body.

Two Hair Styles

We offer two hairstyle options for you to choose from: rooted hair and carved hair. This allows you to customize your action figure with the desired hairstyle that best suits your preferences.

100% Reembolso

¡Te encantarán tus figuras de acción personalizadas! Si no, te devolveremos 100% de tu compra.

Need Ideas? Check out FabFigures's Best Custom Action Figure Heads Below

The Custom Action Figure Heads -Making Process at Fab Figures

Please provide one side view image and one front view image of the expression you want to take reference. It would be helpful if the images correspond – for example, with similar expressions like smiling or serious. sales(at)
There are 2 type 1/6 scale to choose for custom an action figure, one is 1/6 body compatible with Hottoys figures or Worldbox figures, the other is 1:6th scale seamless body compatible with Phicen/TBLeague. Shop 1/6th body online
Si se trata de cualquier otra escala, envíenos un correo electrónico.

By using rooted hair, we can create a more vivid and lifelike character; Sculpted hair head sculpt offers a cost-effective and low-maintenance alternative for the personalized custom action figure head sculpture.

Placing an order: with rooted hair custom action figure head: $325, with sculpted hair $225. 

Uno de nuestros escultores utiliza las imágenes que nos proporciona y esculpe en 3D su cabeza con todo lujo de detalles.
Cifras Fabulosas will email you photos of the sculpt face images for your approval.
The changes must be realistic for the detials of the custimized sculpture. Suppose Dramatic changes from your original images are requested. For instance, if the original photos showed you smiling, we created the 3D sculpture, and then you want the face changed to an angry look, or a hairstyle change, facial expression, or add glasses, etc.
Se cobrará $50,00 por cambio drástico. (si tiene varios cambios por solicitud, el coste es de 50,00 x cada cambio, no por solicitud). Por ejemplo: si envía una solicitud por correo electrónico y tiene 2 cambios. Añadir gafas y cambiar el peinado. Eso supone un cargo de $100,00.
Utilizaremos la tecnología de impresión 3D para imprimir la escultura de la cabeza modelada y luego pintarla. Necesitamos que nos diga si el color de la escultura de la cabeza se basa en el cuerpo como referencia o en una imagen. Una vez finalizado el primer boceto, le enviaremos la imagen para solicitar su aprobación.
We have both carved hair and rooted hair available. If you choose the latter, we will do it after the painting is done and send you pictures for approval.
-We hand assemble your action figure, which is boxed in our Fab Figures Box, and -Shipping is FREE using USPS Priority, 4PX,or YunExpress.
-Si su figura de acción tiene que estar en un lugar en una fecha específica exacta y tenemos que utilizar FedEx o DHLDelivery, que es un cargo extra.
-Podemos utilizar FedEx o DHL totalmente asegurado si se nos indica, pero se le cobrará por ese servicio.

Custom Action Figure Headsulptures of Your Own

Create your own custom action figure headsculptures from just 2 images

Haz clic o arrastra archivos a este área para subirlos. Puedes subir hasta 5 archivos.


Lo que necesitamos es al menos una foto frontal y fotos laterales, ambas caras son opcionales.

Servicio de diseño de esculturas de cabezas personalizadas que incluye escultura digital, impresión en resina 4K y pintura. Tenga en cuenta los términos y condiciones a continuación:

Unless it’s a sculpt of yourself or a loved one the commissioned sculpt will be offered for ongoing sale to other customers through our studio page once complete.

One off custom private sculpts are available cost of $540 this grants you the ownership of the digital printable file.

As part of our service, we will provide you with an adaptor alongside your order. This ensures compatibility and ease of use with your customized item.

Hay dos opciones de pago, una es el pago completo; la otra es 50% como depósito, 50% saldo antes del envío.

Una vez que comience su pedido, le mantendremos involucrado en cada paso del camino. Le proporcionaremos las fases iniciales para su aprobación, como el modelado en 3D, la pintura y el prototipo de la ropa. Su opinión y satisfacción son cruciales para nosotros. Una vez que haya dado su aprobación a todos los aspectos, procederemos a completar el proceso de personalización y le entregaremos rápidamente el producto acabado. Tenga la seguridad de que damos prioridad a su participación y nos aseguramos de que el resultado final cumpla sus expectativas.


World wide free shipping via USPS, YunExpress, and 4Px

1. Keep them away from sunlight, which can cause paint to peel.

2. Temperature and Humidity: To prevent resin cracking, it’s recommended by the Cifras Fabulosas Team to maintain a temperature range of 20°C to 25°C and a humidity level of 40% to 60%.

3. Prevent color fading by refraining from contact with substances such as grease, sweat, and acids.

4. Use a gentle brushing motion to remove dust instead of using wet rags.

5. For custom head sculpt with rooted hair, it’s recommended to use a brush with gel for styling purposes.

6. While the item does have waterproof properties, it’s important to note that prolonged exposure to excessive water can result in color fading.

La versión de escultura de cabeza profesional cuenta con texturas de piel detalladas que confieren un realismo realista a las cabezas de las figuras de acción personalizadas.

1/6 HeadSculpt of Tupac_ Piel con textura


The basic version is perfect for anime-style, women, ninjas, and less detail head sculptures.

Meanwhile, the professional version is tailored for achieving a realistic style, catering to singers, movie stars, soldiers, athletes, and similar styles.

1/6 HeadSculpt de Yakuza 0 Kiryu_ Piel lisa

Versión con pelo de peluca

Pros: Hair is removable for versatile styling. Customizable hairline height for easier upkeep.

Cons: Less natural appearance due to wig gap.

1/6th Wig Hair Version

Versión de pelo enraizado

Pros: Provides a natural and lifelike look, similar to real hair.

Cons: Fixed hairline and demands meticulous care.

1/6 Cabeza esculpida Pelo enraizado

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