
Bonecas BJD 1:6 da Academia Ruyang-Wuyi Tong


REF: FAB-2303WYT Categorias: , Etiqueta:

Bonecas BJD 1:6 da Academia Ruyang-Wuyi Tong

There was once a man named Wuyi Tong, who hailed from the Chu nation and was a student at the Ruyang Academy. He was a bright and ambitious young man who had many talents, but his greatest strengths were his skills with archery and horse riding.

At the academy, Wuyi formed a close bond with another student named Kong Yuwen, who was also a skilled rider and shooter. The two became the best of friends, spending countless hours together on the training grounds and competing with each other in various contests.

After leaving the academy, Wuyi and Kong Yuwen went their separate ways but remained close friends. Wuyi became a respected warrior in the Chu army, known for his bravery and skill with a bow and arrow. He fought in many battles and achieved many great feats.

Throughout his life, Wuyi never forgot the importance of friendship. He and Kong Yuwen exchanged letters and kept in touch, even as they pursued their own paths. In his old age, Wuyi would sit by the fire and tell stories of his adventures, often recounting his time at the academy and his battles in the army.

But the stories that Wuyi enjoyed telling the most were the ones about his friendship with Kong Yuwen. To him, their bond was the greatest achievement of his life. He would often speak of the importance of true friendship, and how it could endure even when faced with distance and time.

In the end, Wuyi's legacy was not just the battles he had won or the feats he had accomplished, but the enduring friendship he had shared with Kong Yuwen.

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Sobre a Academia Ruyang

Era uma vez, num mundo caótico, um misterioso continente oriental chamado "Gushenzhou". Neste continente existiam muitos países, entre os quais as nações Ming e Chu eram conhecidas como heróis gémeos, com o ditado "Norte Ming e Sul Chu". A norte da capital Chu, Anjing, existia uma escola real situada no sopé sul das montanhas Rujia. Por isso, o rei Chu deu-lhe o nome de "Academia Ruyang". Os alunos da academia eram maioritariamente príncipes, nobres e filhos de oficiais e aristocratas. Alguns deles eram também estudiosos diligentes seleccionados nas áreas locais, com bom carácter e aparência. Não só estudavam várias escolas de pensamento, como também praticavam o "Seis Artes" e "A Arte da Guerra " e outras competências. Todos eles eram oradores imponentes e eloquentes.

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