
Bonecas BJD à escala 1:6 da Academia Ruyang-Chengming Zhu


REF: FAB-2303YWK-1 Categorias: , Etiqueta:

Bonecas BJD à escala 1:6 da Academia Ruyang-Chengming Zhu

Chengming Zhu was a student at Ruyang Academy who came from Chu. He was very good at playing Go chess, a popular strategy game in ancient China. Chengming had been interested in the game since he was young and became very skilled at it over time.

Aside from his passion for Go chess, Chengming was also a hardworking student who took his studies seriously. He spent long hours in the library, reading about history, philosophy, and literature. He believed that a well-rounded education was important for anyone who wanted to be a good leader.

One day, Chengming was given the chance to prove himself when a visitor from a neighboring country challenged the Chu court to a game of Go chess. Impressed by Chengming's abilities, the Chu King chose him to lead the Chu team in the game.

Using his intelligence and deep understanding of the game, Chengming led the Chu team to victory against the visiting opponent. The other player was impressed by Chengming's skills and strategy and he became famous as one of the best Go chess players in China.

Chengming became well-known and respected for his wisdom and his dedication to his country. He worked hard to use his intelligence and strategic thinking to serve the Chu nation. He was always humble and continued to study hard at Ruyang Academy, always striving to improve his skills both in the classroom and on the Go chess board.

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Sobre a Academia Ruyang

Era uma vez, num mundo caótico, um misterioso continente oriental chamado "Gushenzhou". Neste continente existiam muitos países, entre os quais as nações Ming e Chu eram conhecidas como heróis gémeos, com o ditado "Norte Ming e Sul Chu". A norte da capital Chu, Anjing, existia uma escola real situada no sopé sul das montanhas Rujia. Por isso, o rei Chu deu-lhe o nome de "Academia Ruyang". Os alunos da academia eram maioritariamente príncipes, nobres e filhos de oficiais e aristocratas. Alguns deles eram também estudiosos diligentes seleccionados nas áreas locais, com bom carácter e aparência. Não só estudavam várias escolas de pensamento, como também praticavam o "Seis Artes" e "A Arte da Guerra " e outras competências. Todos eles eram oradores imponentes e eloquentes.

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