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Custom Action Figure Head Sculpts with Rooted Hair Commission
By using rooted hair, we can create a more vivid and lifelike character, enhancing the overall authenticity and realism of your customized action figures.
Custom Head Sculptures With Carved Hair Commission
Sculpted hair head sculptures offers a cost-effective and low-maintenance alternative for the customized head sculptures.
Почему выбирают нас
Extremely Easy Processing
Обработка пользовательских голов фигурок очень проста - просто пришлите нам изображения для начала, затем передайте их нам, и мы воплотим их в жизнь.
Захват деталей
Unlike traditional handmade sculptures, we use 3D sculpting technology to capture exact details. Get a realistic headsculpt now.
Excellent Compatibility
Our custom head sculptures are compatible with popular bodies in the market, like Hot Toys, Phicen/TBLeague, and Worldbox.
Excellet Painting
Our custom paint jobs outshine mass-produced head sculptures on the market with their exceptional layers of intricate detail.
Any Scale
Fab Figures can customize mainstream scale miniature head sculptures, including 1/4 scale head sculpture, 1/6 scale head sculpture, 1/8 scale head sculpture, and 1/12 scale head sculpture.
Eco-friendly Materials
Our painting process utilizes environmentally friendly paint that is both colorfast and harmless to the human body.
Two Hair Styles
We offer two hairstyle options for you to choose from: rooted hair and carved hair. This allows you to customize your action figure with the desired hairstyle that best suits your preferences.
100% Возврат
Вы полюбите свои фигурки на заказ! Если нет, мы вернем 100% от стоимости вашей покупки.
Need Ideas? Check out FabFigures's Best Custom Action Figure Heads Below
The Custom Action Figure Heads -Making Process at Fab Figures
By using rooted hair, we can create a more vivid and lifelike character; Sculpted hair head sculpt offers a cost-effective and low-maintenance alternative for the personalized custom action figure head sculpture.
Placing an order: with rooted hair custom action figure head: $325, with sculpted hair $225.
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from 26 reviews
I asked Fabfigures to make a bikini-dress my wife owns from Joselyn Cano Swimwear. The dress is really well done. Fabfigures are very helpful even after several changes I asked. Unfortunately the parcel service lost the package in the last kilometers. Fabfigures decided to make another dress at a really fair price. Though they hadn‘t to do this. But this time I asked for another parcel service.
Next I will ask to make the head of my wife.
The figure is a TB League S09C. The tattoos I made myself from pictures of my wife henna tattoos.
Accessories I bought from several sellers high heels, a rose, an iPhone, jewelery. When the head will be finished I will include a diadem and sunglasses.
The figure of my ammirahr (princess in arabic) will be in an acryl box on a persisn carpet see pictures.
Fabfigures thx a lot. Really great work.

Пакет Тупака потрясающий... супер качество!!! скульпт головы потрясающий и разминочный костюм невероятный.

Communication was frequent and I appreciated the constant updates. They send you photos to approve along the way. However there was some miscommunication/ language barrier. I mentioned I would prefer a neckless sculpt.The headsculpt I received had an exterior circumference around the neck larger than most bodies, and an inner circumference that did not fit most pegs. The hair is also glued, not truly rooted. In terms of likeness, it was a 7/10. The base sculpt was good enough but the paint job wasn't great. It also does not match most bodies (including the Hot Toys True Type) that was suggested. I had to do a lot of my own modifications to make it work.

This shop gained a new customer with their incredible communication amd quality.
I ordered the costume for my Rias scale, and Leo and his Team did the best job to make this happen.
The shippment was quick, I loved that.
I will surely come back for another order in near future.

Working with them was very easy and the Product turned out amazing!
The quality is very good!
I am impressed by everything. I had updates for every process and they made everything I had wished for.
The package arrived quickly and was very carefully packaged!
I will definitely order again here!

Я впервые стал клиентом FabFigures, и в целом я был чрезвычайно впечатлен. Весь процесс создания скульптуры головы на заказ был очень простым, и мне предоставляли информацию о ходе работы по ходу дела, а также запрашивали обратную связь, чтобы они могли внести необходимые изменения. Скульптура была отправлена быстро после завершения работы и очень высокого качества. Я впечатлен и доволен своевременностью процесса и ценю доступность и простоту общения. Очень приятно иметь дело с FabFigures, и я с нетерпением жду возможности обратиться к ним за будущими проектами!

Отличное соотношение цены и качества, быстрое и отличное обслуживание! Очень хочется увидеть, что появится в новой компании.
Спасибо еще раз

Я заказал костюм для моей фигурки Тупака в масштабе 1/6...готовый продукт очень хорошего качества и полностью соответствует моим ожиданиям...благодаря совместной договоренности, компания выполнила все мои пожелания...как вы можете видеть в конечном продукте...очень дружелюбный...несложный...и быстрый. ...большое спасибо fab figures🫶
Custom Action Figure Headsulptures of Your Own
Create your own custom action figure headsculptures from just 2 images
Нам нужна как минимум одна фронтальная фотография и боковые фотографии, обе стороны необязательны.
Индивидуальные услуги по дизайну хедскульптов, включающие цифровую скульптуру, печать на смоле 4k и покраску. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на условия и положения ниже:
Unless it’s a sculpt of yourself or a loved one the commissioned sculpt will be offered for ongoing sale to other customers through our studio page once complete.
One off custom private sculpts are available cost of $540 this grants you the ownership of the digital printable file.
As part of our service, we will provide you with an adaptor alongside your order. This ensures compatibility and ease of use with your customized item.
3~4 weeks
Есть два варианта оплаты, один из них полная оплата, другой 50% как депозит, 50% баланс перед отправкой.
Как только ваш заказ начнет выполняться, мы будем вовлекать вас в работу на каждом этапе. Мы предоставим вам начальные этапы для утверждения, такие как 3D-моделирование, покраска и прототип одежды. Ваши отзывы и удовлетворенность очень важны для нас. Как только вы одобрите все аспекты, мы приступим к завершению процесса кастомизации и оперативно доставим вам готовый продукт. Будьте уверены, что мы уделяем первостепенное внимание вашему участию и гарантируем, что конечный результат будет соответствовать вашим ожиданиям.
World wide free shipping via USPS, YunExpress, and 4Px
Конечно, если вы попросите
1. Keep them away from sunlight, which can cause paint to peel.
2. Temperature and Humidity: To prevent resin cracking, it’s recommended by the Великолепные фигурки Team to maintain a temperature range of 20°C to 25°C and a humidity level of 40% to 60%.
3. Prevent color fading by refraining from contact with substances such as grease, sweat, and acids.
4. Use a gentle brushing motion to remove dust instead of using wet rags.
5. For custom head sculpt with rooted hair, it’s recommended to use a brush with gel for styling purposes.
6. While the item does have waterproof properties, it’s important to note that prolonged exposure to excessive water can result in color fading.
Версия скульптуры головы для профессионалов отличается детальной текстурой кожи, придающей реалистичность головам фигурок.
The basic version is perfect for anime-style, women, ninjas, and less detail head sculptures.
Meanwhile, the professional version is tailored for achieving a realistic style, catering to singers, movie stars, soldiers, athletes, and similar styles.
Wig Hair Version
Pros: Hair is removable for versatile styling. Customizable hairline height for easier upkeep.
Cons: Less natural appearance due to wig gap.
Rooted Hair Version
Pros: Provides a natural and lifelike look, similar to real hair.
Cons: Fixed hairline and demands meticulous care.